Application Process
One Page Information Flyers
Local/regional Professional Development
This funding stream allows PD LE
Staff and entire PD sections to benefit from
learning opportunities that are available in
their host country or region.
Embedded Learning
This funding will support PD LE Staff to travel from one post to embed within another mission’s PD Section for peer-to-peer learning. Applications are not being accepted for this in Round 2.
In person FSI Learning
Centralized funding will
support PD LE Staff travel to Washington
or regional training centers to enroll in FSI
courses in 2023 and 2024.
Timeline – Round 2
- December 12, 2023: Round 2 applications open
- January 12, 2024: Round 2 applications close
- Early February 2024: Round 2 decisions announced
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this initiative?
The Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (R) is pleased to announce the Public Diplomacy (PD) Locally Employed (LE) Staff learning & training initiative. This projected $3 million investment over the next two years (CY2023-CY2024) will provide up to 350 PD LE Staff worldwide three types of learning opportunities and is intended to boost – rather than replace – post-provided funding for training and professional development.
All PD LE staff are eligible to apply based on identified skill-building and professional development needs and contingent on approval from their PAO. The second round of applications opens on December 12, 2023 and closes on January 12, 2024.
This initiative focuses on improving PD LE Staff workforce capabilities in two important areas: PD-specific competencies such as such as planning, audience analysis, designing persuasive communications, policy research, and PD resource management, and leadership, management and supervisory skills.
What kinds of opportunities are available?
Learning opportunities are in three centrally funded categories:
- Short-term external professional development opportunities available in the section’s host country or region. Funds could support individual costs such as tuition (primarily for in-person study but relevant courses or credentialed programs offered virtually may be considered), conference registration fees, virtual courses, or workshop-related travel, or section-wide costs such as hiring a local or regional trainer to deliver critical skill development for all PD section staff.
- PD LE Staff enrollment in FSI courses in the Washington area and regional training centers. This stream prioritizes funding travel for PD LE Staff to participate in in-person FSI courses on core PD tradecraft, leadership, management, supervision, and other key Department functions.
- Peer-to-peer learning to fund PD LE Staff to travel to another mission for embedded learning opportunities, set to begin in 2024. Please note, the application for the peer-to-peer learning option is not available in Round 2.
How many PD LE Staff will be able to participate in this?
Up to 350 PD LE Staff over two years should be able to take part in learning opportunities under this $3 million investment.
Who is eligible? How many opportunities can someone apply for?
All PD LE Staff are eligible for this initiative based on identified skill-building and professional development needs. Before applying, PD LE Staff must consult with their first-line supervisor and/or PAO to discuss their desired learning opportunity and the discrete skills they need to develop; supervisors should help staff prioritize and streamline requests. Staff should prioritize the skills or competencies needed to achieve the policy-centered, audience-focused, and data-informed approaches that represent modern PD. Applications will not be supported for requests that do not meet the core skills identified as critical for modern PD, in order to prioritize use of these funds.
What is the application process and deadlines?
Applications will be accepted via a form:, which requires PAO approval and may be filled out by the PAO, first-line supervisor, or PD LE Staff. The second round of applications opens on December 12, 2023, and closes January 12, 2024. Selection committee decisions and notifications are expected by February 2, 2024.
Where do I find available FSI courses?
Use the FSI Student Information System (SIS),, to look for available FSI courses. (FSI SIS is verified via Okta.) FSI’s full course catalog is available under Courses in the main search bar. The course display will show upcoming offerings of a particular course and indicate whether that course is in-person or virtual.
How will applications be reviewed?
R is committed to applying the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the selection process. Approvals and funding decisions will be made by a selection committee chaired by R/PPR with input from regional bureaus and PAOs; applications are not first-come, first served. The committee will use a validated scoring rubric to assess how a requested learning opportunity meets an identified training need and demonstrates benefit to the PD section in adopting modern PD practices. PAOs will receive their PD Section’s application packets to affirm their support and will have an opportunity to provide additional information during the review process. Priority will be given to PD LE Staff who have not recently received post-, regional-, or R/PPR-funded travel for professional development.
May someone apply again, if their application is not approved in the first round?
Yes. Applicants who are not approved for learning opportunities in the first round may apply again in subsequent rounds.
After the second round January 12th deadline, are there future application windows?
Yes. There will be additional rounds in 2024, with deadlines announced via ALDAC, email newsletters, and on the PD Learning Hub.
What happens when someone’s application is approved?
After applications are approved, different processes will be required depending on the type of learning opportunity:
- External local or regional short-term training. Applicants awarded this funding will work directly with supervisors and PAOs, along with those organizations, conferences, virtual courses, or trainers to set up, enroll in, or procure those learning sessions, using the funding approved and transferred to post. Posts or staff who wish to receive FSI credit for these opportunities should submit an FSI External Training application via FSI’s Student Information System (SIS).
- FSI courses. Applicants awarded this funding will follow standard FSI procedures for enrolling in and receiving FSI approval to take the course. Applicants should use the FSI SIS to apply for their desired course and are not guaranteed a space in FSI courses until their enrollment has been fully processed in the SIS system. Approval for funding does not guarantee enrollment in a given FSI course. Once a post receives the funds, it uses its normal processes and handles travel arrangements for the PD LE staff.
- Embedded training. Applicants approved for peer-to-peer embedded learning opportunities will be matched with other PD sections for an inaugural, pilot cohort expected to begin in calendar year 2024. Details on how matches will be made is forthcoming.
If someone is approved for an award in the previous round, can they apply for another opportunity?
No. If applicants were approved in a previous round, they will not be eligible for subsequent rounds, as R seeks to maximize the number of PD LE Staff supported via this surge investment.
Email R/PPR’s Organizational Learning Unit (OLU) is managing the PD LE Staff learning and training initiative on behalf of R, and is happy to help with your questions.